Smoked Pumpkin Pie

Smoked Pumpkin Pie

Fall is here and the holidays are approaching which means I get to start focusing on some fantastic cold weather comfort food recipes! Don't get me wrong I love the summer recipes too but I'm ready for the flavors of fall!


Smoked desserts are something I've been dabbling into more lately and they are so fun! The latest venture is pumpkin pie! Inspired by the pumpkins that grew in my garden that I didn't plant... When life gives you pumpkins make pumpkin pie? 





1 tsp cinnamon

1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

15 oz can of pumpkin

14 oz can of sweet condensed milk

2 eggs beaten

Pie crust

Whipped cream




1) Heat smoker to 325 degrees

2) in a large bowl combine pumpkin, cinnamon, pie spice, sweet condensed milk, and eggs.

3) Place pie crust in your pie pan and form. If you are feeling crafty you can totally make your own pie crust, as far as time savings go I normally use store bought because well, it's way easier. 

4) Add your mixture to your pie pan

5) Place the pie in the smoker and smoke for about an hour or until you can insert a toothpick or butterknife in the center and it can come out clean

*Note: If your pie looks wet on top or is cracking that means it's overdone.

6) Let cool for at least 2 hours, you can refrigerate it overnight as well. The longer you let the pie sit the more those flavors develop!

7) Serve with whipped cream (Measure that with your heart) and enjoy!


Hopefully, this recipe can be enjoyed by all! Taking a minimal ingredient classic and just adding a little spin. As always let us know if you try this recipe and use the #Humphreysrecipes if you post it! 



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